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2 x Sign Face 1800mm W x 400mm H
Signflute 5mm Thickness. To be used on Pitch and near Dugouts.
Teardrop Banners
Large (3700mm H)
Double Sided
Degree Wall Bracket
To be used in and around the
pitch and clubhouse.

Triangle Signs
2 x Sign Face 1800mm W x 400mm H
Signflute 5mm Thickness. To be used on Pitch and near Dugouts.
Crowd Control Barriers
2 X 2M X 900cm Barriers with your
branding. To be used in and around the field, clubhouse and changing room areas, including the Snack Shack Mobile canteen.

Dugout Shelter
2 x Sign Face 1800mm W x 400mm H
Signflute 5mm Thickness. To be used on Pitch and near Dugouts.

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