The Millmerran Power Project is the combined Millmerran Power Station and Commodore Coal Mine. The MDL Conversion Project (the Project) involves the continuation of mining and processing of coal reserves around Commodore Coal Mine to supply the Power Station to the end of the asset life in around 2051. To do this Mineral Development Licences (MDL) around Commodore Coal Mine (ML 50151) need to be converted to a Mining Lease (ML). A voluntary EIS is being completed to amend the existing Environmental Authority (EA EPML00841513) to include this change. The Project will involve the extension and continued operation of the Commodore coal deposit with the inclusion of two resource areas within MDL 301 to the east of ML 50151 and a portion of MDL 299 to the northwest of the ML 50151. The mining area proposed is on land that is already owned by the Millmerran Power Project. The day-to-day operations and capacity of the mine should remain similar.
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Project Purpose
The Project will allow the Millmerran Power Project to continue its production capacity at Commodore Coal Mine and continue to supply coal to the adjacent Millmerran Power Station to meet current and future energy market demands. The Project is particularly important to the national energy grid as the Millmerran Power Station produces a substantial level of energy for the Australian Electricity System.
The Project offers an opportunity for the Millmerran Power Project to expand the life of the Commodore Coal Mine and allow the continued support of the Millmerran community. The Project will continue to boost economic activity in the Toowoomba region, providing direct and indirect employment, investment, and business opportunities throughout the Project’s lifecycle. The Project will also provide continual returns for its shareholders and provide strength to the linked energy grid.
The Project will be a continuation of the existing mine and will include the following key elements:
•Up to 4.0 Mtpa of thermal coal produced solely for the Millmerran Power Station
•Use existing facilities as much as possible, such as the existing Mine Industrial Area and
•There will be diversions to the Millmerran Inglewood Road and the Gillespies Dam Rd.
•All land impacted is currently owned by the Millmerran Power Project.
In addition, key features of the Project include the:
•Comprehensive and progressive rehabilitation program involving continuous monitoring and reporting in line with the agreed post mining land use (and Post-Rehabilitation and Closure Plan (PRCP) requirements)
•Continue to provide over 220 operational jobs within the Millmerran community and
•Continue to support the local Millmerran community and the Toowoomba Regional Council Area.
The Project Proponent is the Millmerran Power Partners, a partnership by OzGen Holdings Australia Pty Ltd (“OzGen”) (65%) and a Daelim Energy / KIAMCO joint venture (35%). OzGen owns successful assets in Queensland including the Millmerran Power Project and Callide C, owned in joint venture with the Queensland Government owned CS Energy. The Millmerran Power Project has been operating successfully since development began in 1999. Commercial operation of the Power Station began in 2003 after completion of the construction phase. The Millmerran Power Project has demonstrated a clear commitment to environmental management, as evidenced by its ongoing rehabilitation of mined land and its proactive engagement with the community. The Millmerran Power Project holds the tenements for the current mining areas (ML 50151). During the last 10 years, Millmerran Power Project has not been fined or prosecuted for any breach of environmental laws, further demonstrating its strong environmental record and commitment to environmental management.
Millmerran Power
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